Ecstatic Voice - The path of the wild soul singer
A year long journey over 4 weekends to recover the primal power in your voice
with Heloise Pilkington
As Lockdown happened I was unfortunately unable to run my course as advertised in 2020. I have not begun to run this course again as my young daughter is still requiring so much focus from me, however I will be returning soon so stay connected or contact me if you have any questions!
Many blessings, Heloise Sept 2022 ❤️
Working with the transformational energy of the cross quarters; Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas and Samhain, we will connect deeply with the cycles of nature. Our songs and sounds will be inspired by land, by heart, by spirit and deep soul. We will embark on a journey of joyous transformation, peeling back layers of conditioning to free our wild selves in song.
‘The voice is like a mountain with many caves. Go into all the different caves there are.’ Peter Brook
Do you feel a calling to:
Find your confidence as a singer through simple tools and techniques to build and strengthen your voice
Free your voice by releasing tension, fear, inhibitions and negative cultural conditioning
Experience the connecting and transformative power of group singing, chanting and drumming
Express and empower your primal self through sound and song
Find your authentic soul songs and power songs
Become a sound vessel for spirit
Sing in Ancient Tongues
Study Shamanic drumming, singing and rattling
Create Deep Sound ceremony.
This is an experiential course exploring through voice and sound the themes of Maiden at Imbolc, Lover at Beltane, Mother at Lammas and Crone at Samhain. There will be 4 weekends over the wheel of the year which can be taken as a whole integrated course or as stand alone weekends.
There will be different themes each weekend but every meeting will involve exercises for the voice, group singing and chanting, sound invocations of the Deities and the Elemental spirits of the directions, ceremony and time in nature.
Imbolc: 1/2 Feb 2020
Maiden - Awakening the Wild Soul Singer
Together we will sing chants and songs honouring triple Goddess Bridget in her Maiden aspect. With her as our guide and ally, we will journey inwards to connect with our wild Maiden, opening to her soul song.
We will begin the journey of healing our wounded child singer, reclaiming our intuitive, spontaneous voices. We will explore singing as play, singing for fun and singing ceremonially as a gateway to the other world. With sound and chant we will invoke Bridget’s transformational element of fire.
Beltane: 2/3 May 2020
Lover - The Ecstatic Singer
We will sing devotional songs and chants honouring The Goddess of Love to open the heart. With healing sound we will begin to peel back the defensive layers around the heart allowing our purity and vulnerability to be expressed in our soul songs.
We will explore communal singing as a pathway into deep connection. Playing with moving sound through the body to awaken sexual energy, we will dance and sing our way into ecstasy.
Lammas: 25/26 July 2020
Mother - Mother Tongues
With rounds, sounds, chants and part songs we will invoke the Bountiful Harvest Mother. With shamanic singing and drumming we will connect with and honour the element of Earth.
Finding the mother within, we will connect with the womb of the Great Mother to bring through healing songs for our Inner Children.
In nature we will deepen our soul song, exploring the songs and sounds of the nature spirits, of roots and trees, the drum and the rattle.
Samhain: 31 Oct/1 Nov 2020
Crone - Singing through the Veils
Singing in ancient tongues, we will invoke the dark Mother, keeper of the mysteries of death, transformation and rebirth.
We will work with keening, lamentation and grieving songs, singing through the veil to honour our beloved dead. We will bring through songs of the ancestors bringing healing to our ancestral mother lines.
Working with drums and singing bowls we will open our channels to find our primal soul songs. Songs of connection, songs of surrender, spirit singing and being sung by source.
Be warned!!! This course holds the potential for deep transformation!
Anna Rogers

Saturdays 10am-6pm, Sundays 10am-5pm with tea and lunch breaks.
Please bring appropriate clothes and footwear for walking on the land and spending time outdoors.
All weekends will take place within the Glastonbury Zodiac.
Course Fees
£960 for 8 weekends.
Payment options:
£960 in full
Or 8 instalments: £1000 per year (£40 admin fee), £125 deposit + 7 instalments of £125 payable by standing order or online by PayPal.
Students who choose to leave after the first weekend will receive a full refund, minus the deposit and fee for the first weekend. No refunds are available if you choose to leave after the second weekend and those paying in instalments are obliged to continue with their payment plan.
Enrolment is now open for 2019 , please contact me if you are interested in taking part.
I will talk to each applicant personally before acceptance onto the course, to assess suitability and ensure that this is the right course for you. I look forward to welcoming you we weave our soul songs together, creating a conscious community of ecstatic voices!