About me
Music, singing, creativity and healing are my passions. I have journeyed with song, music and sound since I was a child, and finding my authentic voice has been my life's journey.
As a professional singer I co-created an a capella trio called The Madrigirls and we have had the privilege of singing to audiences throughout the country and all over Europe. Through this process I have learnt a great deal about what it means to communicate with people on a deep level through vocal sound. I am continually inspired by the power of the human voice as a medium for expression, healing and connection.
I have also had a life long interest in Spirituality and helping others to find their creative expression. After a profound spiritual awakening in my twenties I became interested in the evolution of consciousness and began exploring different modalities of healing.
I have worked with some wonderful teachers, who have shared their deep wisdom with me and taught me much along the way. I believe that all spiritual traditions have invaluable teachings and we are all called to own unique path.
It has become clear to me that right now my path of service is to assist in the awakening of the Divine Feminine consciousness on the Planet. Some people refer to this as the re-emergence of the Goddess, or Goddess based spirituality.
As I understand it, this consciousness is calling humanity to live by a new set of values which involve co-operation over competition, creativity, community, spirituality and respect for Mother Earth. We are also being asked to relate with more openness and transparency, honouring feelings and our vulnerability. The Divine Feminine is ultimately about love and the awakening of the heart.
As well as a value system to live by I also experience the Goddess as a tangible energetic reality. When I invoke or pray, I feel a vibrational shift in my body, particularly around the heart centre. When people say they feel the presence of the Goddess or Spirit, they are often referring to this experience of a shift in vibration. The feeling is often of warmth or love. As a Priestess I love to create space where people can experience this loving presence.
Right now I am very excited because for the first time in my life my two great loves, music and spirituality, have come together in one path.
One of the ways in which I love to invoke the presence of the Goddess is through my voice. For centuries, sound and song have been used as a bridge between the visible and invisible worlds. The church choir, pagan chant, Kirtan and Buddhist chant are a few examples of the ways in which people use sound to invoke the Divine spirit.
Whilst training as a priestess I felt moved inside to sing and chant my prayers. Sometimes these prayers erupted out of me as ancient primal sounds and songs, the only way my heart could express what couldn't be captured in words.
In time this became my spiritual practice and every morning I would sing and sound whatever was in my heart. I was also honoured to be asked to write songs and invocations for the seasonal ceremonies in The Glastonbury Goddess Temple, the first Goddess Temple in Europe for 1500 years and a registered place of worship.
My album, The Lady of Avalon, is a collection of some of the songs and invocations that I wrote during this period. Many of them were written within 24 hours of the ceremonies for which they were intended. They can be used for healing and ceremonial purposes, assisting you in finding your own connection to the Goddess. They can also simply be enjoyed as beautiful songs.
Heloise Pilkington
Green Spirit Magazine
Following my passions and my desire to find my authentic voice, I have journeyed with song, music and sound since I was a child. I’ve also had a lifelong interest in spirituality and helping others find their creative expression.
After a profound spiritual awakening in my twenties, I became interested in the evolution of consciousness and began exploring different healing modalities. I later felt called to take up a path of service and to assist in the awakening of Divine Feminine consciousness, which many refer to as the re-emergence of the ‘Goddess’, or Goddess-based spirituality. It is my understanding that this consciousness is calling humanity to live by values which involve co-operation over competition, creativity, community, spirituality and respect for Mother Earth.
Click here to read my article in Green Spirit magazine.
Kindred Spirit Magazine
When we attune to the ancient Wheel of the Year and the cycles of nature – Samhain, the old pagan festival we now celebrate as Halloween on 31 October – is the point of the year when we begin to descend into the darkness of winter. It’s a time associated with death, dying and letting go.
All of nature moves in cycles, and as part of nature, human beings are also subject to these natural cadences. We have circadian rhythms and experience physical, mental and behavioural changes throughout each day, primarily in response to shifting cycles of light and darkness in our environment. When we allow ourselves to flow with nature’s cycles we tend to feel more connected, creative and energised.
Click here to read my article in October's Kindred Spirit magazine.